1 Victoria pineapple (the best pineapple in the world)
° 1 mango
° 2 kiwis
° 4 passion fruit
° 2 oranges
° 1 grapefruit
Cut the passion fruit in half, using a spoon, empty the pulp into the bowl.
Peel the kiwis.
Dice the kiwis. Put the pieces in a salad bowl.
Peel the citrus fruits.
Take the supremes.
Cut the orange and grapefruit supremes into five.
Put them in the salad bowl.
Peel the mango and remove the core. Cut in to dices.
Peeled pineapple, removing eyes. Slice and then dice the pineapple.
Mix, it's ready.
Above all, do not add sugar. The fruits are enough on their own. Cutting them into small dice is the secret to a sublime fruit salad.
No banana for me, I don't like the taste or the texture.
I wish you a good week.